What is TANTRA?
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Origin and background of the TANTRA-Massage
Tantra is a spiritual path rooted in Tibet, India and Pakistan today.
The tantric path was transmitted orally, not bound by the teacher to student, and was in a religion. It is on the spiritual path about that consciousness opens away from you and me, away from the subject-object thinking towards the resolution of borders.
It's about resolution, extinction of consciousness to become one with the greater whole.
This experience can quickly come across or just build up over time.
The goal is that you will have a different focus in the design of your everyday life, so that everyday life gets a different quality: clarity, focus and serenity.
In the 1960s, many went on search for meaning east. The search went towards fulfilling sexuality and the connection between sexuality and religion. One of these explorers was Osho / Baghwan. He taught first in the US and then in Poona (India). He merged his knowledge of Tantra, Zen, Vipassana, Kabbalah and Christian mysticism.
Tantra is so touching that raises the energy level and provides a positive experience at the levels of body, mind and soul. Tantra is composed of pure energy and pure consciousness.
The sensual Tantra massage consists of many different elements: traditional classic massage, Thai massage, Rolfing, Polarity, Lomi Lomi Nui and Yin Yang.
It uses techniques such as "The long massage arm", powerful back extensors and the Yin Yang movement for energy balancing and harmonizing the application.
In the massage the guest relaxes, the energy awakens in him and spread through his body. There are handles that emphasize the alternation between powerful and gentle, fast and slow elements. Important is a feedback score. He can breathe in and out loud or sounds his well-being or the reach of its borders to express.
After the massage the seven chakras will be the finish by bringing at the top the resulting sexual energy in the upper chakras.
TANTRA wants to create an increase in energy and no energy loss.
To recognize limits and to accept them is important for both - for the giver, as well as for the slave.
It is in the nature of things that a certain intimacy arises in my massages. Light emotions may arise in these circumstances. This in turn could lead to the desire to give something back in the form of a touch. Sure, there is some scope for tender-friendly touches. A repellent reaction is, however, to be respected as such, and a literal No is to accept immediately.
The point is that you're relaxing in a protected environment from the daily grind.
Discover your body - new - with TANTRA to get more desire.
These states, however: put shame away and engage each other.
TANTRA is a sensual massage that each part of the body dedicated to extensively. The massage is to release tension and creates well-being. The intense touches convey closeness and security. It is used much warm almond oil - also massage lotion.
However, a prerequisite for a fulfilling encounter are always calm and time.
As I am the host, I know about the welfare of my guests! My notions of cleanliness and hygiene are reflected in my work.
First awaits you a massage place in an appealing atmosphere. The lights are dim - even during the day - so you can recuperate. Soft music in the background is promoting your relaxation.
The massage table has a special dimension of 160 x 200 cm! In the cold season it is heated. The sheet is naturally fresh wound for each customer.
The massage is serviced exclusively with top quality and warmed oil. For allergy or by request another massage lotion can be used.